Experience the transformation of being held in the sacred space of community

Be witnessed in your WHOLENESS

That feeling when you find the ones you’ve been looking for

Heck yes, I found my people!!!

My group mentorship programs are welcoming, co-creative spaces with nourishing support and gentle accountability. The containers I create challenge the system. We do things differently around here, and we’re not afraid to shake up the status quo. 

In my group containers, every participant is met exactly where they are and valued for their uniqueness. These are juicy, nourishing, and empowering spaces where you can bring your full self and shine.

Group Mentorship 

This is the interconnected web where our stories weave together.

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I don't believe we come into each other's lives by accident

Let's co-Create the next chapter

Courses and workshops are geared towards whatever is fresh and alive in the moment, consistently integrating themes of embodied impermanence, death and grief, whole-hearted presence, and conscious communication.

When you join any of my group spaces, you will learn life-changing magical tools and have my dedicated support throughout your learning journey. You will also find a super fun community of lovable weirdos and magical folks who will help you along the way.

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