It's time to get comfortable being uncomfortable,  step into your purpose and live a more empowered and embodied life.

Embody your fullest expression

Work with Me 1:1

I'm a lifelong learner with a M.A. in Communication Studies and a certified Death Doula with over a decade of facilitation experience in sacred community spaces.

As your guide, I honor confidentiality, respect, and co-creating a brave and inclusive space. I meet you where you are at. Understanding the uniqueness of all human beings, this is not a one size fits all type of situation, but instead a malleable space that evolves with the mind, body, and soul.

Meet yourself in safe and sacred space 

Find your way back to life

One-on-one work is perfect for you if:

You're processing death, grief and loss

You're navigating a major transition in your life

You're supporting a loved one with illness or disability

You're struggling to embrace change

You're ready to transform your challenges into gifts to share with the world

You're navigating self-expression and seeking to embody your purpose


Each mentorship session includes 90 minutes of support, customized for your immediate needs.  These sessions are organic and co-creative, often including elements of embodiment work, grief support, ritual guidance, creative practice, and coaching.

Let me lead you through the practices that have helped me to embody impermanence in my own life.

if you are ready to…

Get comfortable being  uncomfortable

Shake what your mama gave ya

Cry,  scream, and let it out

Welcome those unlike you with open arms

Step into your iconic self

and lean into the impermanence of life

Then we should work together

Book a discovery call

3-month packages start at $1111

Luna will always hold loving compassionate space for me whether it’s talking about my teaching stuff or my dad's recent death. She is an active listener and I know she is always listening to understand me. She stays true to herself which allows you to do the same."


We can learn a lot about life from the cycles on earth. 

 Nothing stays the same; every day, every moment, things are changing, dying, and being reborn.

The key is to embrace the process


1. Life Transitions Mentorship:

Life is full of transitions, and while they can be challenging, they also offer profound opportunities for growth. As your mentor, I’m here to help you navigate these transitions with confidence and grace. Whether it’s a career shift, a relationship change, or personal development, we’ll work together to explore your emotions and gain clarity through creative tools like photography, journaling, and art.

2. Grief and Healing Mentorship:

Grief is a deeply personal journey, and there is no single right way to navigate it. I provide a compassionate space for you to express your emotions, process your loss, and find meaning in your experiences. Using tools like the "Through the Lens of Grief" photography journal, we’ll channel your feelings into creative outlets that support healing.

3. Empowerment and Embodiment Mentorship:

Empowerment starts from within. My Empowerment and Embodiment Mentorship helps you connect with your personal power and fully embody your life. Through yoga, creative expression, and tailored mentorship, you’ll learn to overcome challenges, set meaningful goals, and live with confidence and authenticity.

Let's Work Together

Navigate Life’s Changes with Confidence and Grace

Find Healing and Meaning through Creative Expression

Step into Your True Potential

What to expect:

Grounded Support: Embodiment practices to help you stay grounded and connected to your inner strength.

Mindful Awareness: Mindfulness techniques that transform uncertainty into clarity, guiding you forward with intention.

Creative Exploration: Reflective exercises, journaling, and art to unlock new perspectives and guide you through your transition.

What to expect:

Creative Expression: Channel your grief into artistic expression using tools like the "Through the Lens of Grief" journal to process emotions meaningfully.

Empowered Healing: Discover pathways to healing that honor your unique experience, helping you find peace and meaning through the journey of loss.

Compassionate Guidance: Receive personalized support in a safe, empathetic space, allowing you to explore your grief without judgment.

What to expect:

Deep Connection: Embodiment practices that connect you to your inner self, helping you feel more present, powerful, and aligned with your true nature.

Creative Empowerment: Explore creative expression and tailored mentorship to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and step confidently into your fullest potential.

Holistic Growth: Experience a blend of yoga, mindfulness, and mentorship that supports your personal growth and empowers you to live authentically and boldly.

Learn How to Navigate and Embody Life's Transitions with Whole-Hearted Presence